For mounds, washouts, loose up-hill
slopes, ditches, etc.
When wheel spin occurs as the vehicle is moving, the
driver may notice a slight shaking or shuddering of
the vehicle. This should be stopped as soon as possible
to prevent damage to vehicle components. This is the
indication that a loss of traction is occurring on this
terrain. The operator should:
1. Reduce speed and apply the brakes.
2. Assess the terrain properly and adjust
vehicle speed and gear ranges accordingly:
Four-Wheel High position for higher speeds
and Four-Wheel-Low Lock for more torque and
lower speeds. Transmission FIRST (1) gear
is generally recommended.
3. Apply slight pressure to the brake when the shaking
or shuddering sensation is felt, keeping the vehicle
moving in a controlled manner.
4. Be prepared to alternate between braking and
accelerating through the adverse terrain.
Getting Familiar with Off-Road Driving
It is a good idea to practice in an area that is safe
and close to home before you go into the wilderness.
Off-road driving does require some new and different
skills. Here is what we mean.
Tune your senses to different kinds of signals. Your
eyes, for example, need to constantly sweep the terrain
for unexpected obstacles. Your ears need to listen
for unusual tire or engine sounds. With your arms,
hands, feet and body, you will need to respond to
vibrations and vehicle bounce.