
UUppddaattiinngg SSooffttwwaarree
Software updates can be added to your Fishing System. Go to the Humminbird®
web site for information and computer requirements at www.humminbird.com
or call 1-800-633-1468.
In addition to your Fishing System and personal computer with Internet access,
you will need one of the following optional-purchase accessories:
MMC Card Reader (AS CR)
PC Connect Cable (AS PC2)
Updating Software requires the following top-level steps:
1. Log on to www.humminbird.com.
Register your Fishing System.
Download HumminbirdPCto your computer.
2. Once you have registered your Fishing System, you can access
software downloads from your online profile.
3a. MMC/SD Card:
Follow the instructions provided with the MMC/SD
Card Reader to connect the MMC/SD Card Reader to a personal
computer and download the software update.
Install the MMC/SD card with the updated software file into your
control head.
Power on your control head. The Fishing System will recognize the
new software and run through a series of prompts to confirm
software installation.
3b. PC Connect Cable: Follow the instructions included with the PC
Connect Cable to connect your Fishing System to your computer.
NOTE: The MMC/SD Card Reader and PC Connect cable require a separate
purchase. For more information, visit our web site at www.humminbird.com or
contact our Customer Resource Center at 1-800-633-1468.
Multi-Media Card (MMC)/SD Slot