
• Tire chains cannot be used when the
mower hous ing is attached to trac tor.
• Mower should be properly leveled for
best mowing performance. See “TO
Service and Adjustments section of this
• The left hand side of mower should be
used for trim ming.
• Drive so that clippings are dis charged
onto the area that has already been
cut. Have the cut area to the right of
the tractor. This will result in a more
even dis tri bu tion of clippings and more
uniform cutting.
• When mowing large areas, start by
turning to the right so that clippings will
discharge away from shrubs, fences,
driveways, etc. After one or two rounds,
mow in the opposite direction making
left hand turns until fi nished .
• If grass is extremely tall, it should be
mowed twice to reduce load and pos-
sible fi re hazard from dried clip pings.
Make fi rst cut relatively high; the second
to the desired height.
• Do not mow grass when it is wet.
Wet grass will plug mower and leave
undesirable clumps. Allow grass to dry
before mowing.
Always operate engine at full throt tle
when mowing to assure better mowing
performance and prop er dis charge of
material. Reg u late ground speed by
se lect ing a low enough speed to give
the mower cut ting per for mance as well
as the quality of cut desired.
• When operating attachments, se lect a
ground speed that will suit the terrain
and give best performance of the at-
tach ment being used.
8. Drive tractor forward for approximately
ve feet then backwards for fi ve feet.
Repeat this driving procedure three
Your transmission is now purged and now
ready for normal operation.