IBM’s entire liability and your sole remedy, whether in contract or in tort,
in respect of any default shall be limited to damage s.
Limitation of Liability: The following replaces the second sentence in the
first paragraph:
In each such instance unless otherwise provided by mandatory law, IBM is
liable for no more than:
1. (unchanged)
2. as to any other actual damage arising in all situations involving
non-performance by IBM pursuant to, or in any way related to th e
subject matter of this Statement of Warranty, IBM’s liability, will be
limited to the total amount you paid for the Machine that is the subject
of the claim.
Applicability of suppliers and resellers (unchanged).
The following replaces the second paragraph of this Section:
Unless otherwise provided by mandatory law, IBM and your reseller are not
liable for any of the following: (items 1 and 2 unchanged) 3) indirect
damages, even if IBM or your reseller is informed of their possibility.
Limitation of Liability: The following is added to this Section:
IBM’s entire liability to you for actual damages arising in all situations
involving nonperformance by IBM in respect of the subj ect matter of this
Statement of Warranty will be limited to the charge paid by you for the
individual Machine that is the subject of your claim from IBM.
Limitation of Liability: The following replaces items 1 and 2 of the first
paragraph of this Section:
1. death or personal injury or physical damage to your real property
solely caused by IBM s negligence;
2. the amount of any other actual direct damages, up to 125 percent of
the charges (if recurring, the 12 months’ charges apply) for the
Machine that is the subject of the claim or which otherwise gives rise
to the claim;
The following item is added to this paragraph:
3. breach of IBM’s obligations implied by Section 12 of the Sale of
Goods Act 1979 or Section 2 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act
Applicability of suppliers and resellers (unchanged).
The following is added to the end of this Section: IBM’s entire liability
and your sole remedy, whether in contract or in tort, in respect of any
default will be limited to damages.
For information on Class B notices, refer to the online User's Guide.
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