Using the Advanced Diagnostic Test Programs
The test programs provide advanced functions and utilities for users and
service or support professionals to troubleshoot even the most difficult
Program Navigation
You can maneuver within the test programs by typing the first letter of a
menu choice, using the function keys, or using command-line options. You
can also use the mouse pointer to choose an option.
Using the First Letter of a Menu Choice
Throughout the test programs, pressing the first letter of an option on a
menu is the same as moving to that item with the cursor and pressing Enter.
Using the Function Keys
Use the following keys to maneuver throughout the test programs:
Keys Action
Enter Select an item, run the test module, or run the test
Arrow (↓ )
Moves the cursor down
Arrow (↑ )
Moves the cursor up
(← )
Moves the cursor left
(→ )
Moves the cursor right
F1 Calls up the appropriate Help information. Use the up arrow key
(↑ ) or the down arrow key (↓ ) to scroll through the information.
Pressing F1 from within a Help screen provides a help index from
which you can select different categories. One of the important
help categories is function key usage. Pressing Esc exits Help and
returns to where you left off.
Esc Go back to the previous menu.