HelpWare support and services
Before you call...
The information in the following three steps will provide the IBM PC HelpCenter
technical support representative with valuable information that will assist him or her
when handling your call. It will also help reduce the amount of time it takes to
diagnose problems and answer questions.
1. Register your computer with the online IBM Registration form that came
installed on your computer.
2. If possible, run both the DOS version and the Windows version of PC Doctor
Diagnostics. Save and print the log files created by both the DOS and
Windows versions of diagnostics so that you can provide these for the
technical support representative to review. (The log file created by the
Windows version is automatically saved in C:\PCDR\detailed.txt.) For
information on how to use the PC Doctor Diagnostics, refer to “IBM
Diagnostic Programs” on page 10-20.
3. If you have not already done so, you will be required to register your computer
the first time you contact IBM. You will be required to provide the following
Telephone number
Machine type and model (located on the front
panel, behind the door)
Serial number (located on the front panel,
behind the door)
Registration number
(when you receive one)
Date of purchase
• description of the problem
• exact wording of any error messages
• system hardware and software configuration information for your system
If your call is not covered by 30-day "Up and Running" support or the
hardware product warranty, you may be required to provide a major credit
card number for support. You will not be billed if it is determined that your call
is covered under the "Up and Running" support or the IBM hardware product