Hints and Tips 227
You can interrupt the non-prompted installation as described below:
During the boot, after a few seconds, you will see three zeroes (000) and a
spinning cursor on your screen, just enter again three zeroes (000)
immediately and press Enter. This causes the system to interrupt the
non-prompted installation, start the installation main menu, and allows you to
change the settings.
8.4 Configuration Information
Use the lscfg command to display the vital product data (VPD) of the system
such as part numbers, serial numbers, and engineering change levels from
either the Customized VPD object class or platform-specific areas.
If the command is run on a Model 260, it will output data similar to the
following (extracted list):
lscfg -vp
The following resources are installed on your machine.
Model Architecture: chrp
Model Implementation: Multiple Processor, PCI bus
sysplanar0 00-00System Planar
mem0 00-00 Memory
proc0 00-00 Processor
Device Specific.(YL)........P1-C1
L2cache0 00-00 L2 Cache
pmc0 00-00 Power Management Controller
proc2 00-02 Processor
Device Specific.(YL)........P1-C2
pci1 00-fee00000 PCI Bus
Device Specific.(YL)........P2
mtn0 20-60 GXT3000P Graphics Adapter
GXT3000P 3D Graphics Adapter:
EC Level....................12605059
FRU Number..................24L0030
Manufacture ID..............IBM97N
Part Number.................08L1172
Serial Number...............198016
Displayable Message.........GXT3000P
ROM Level.(alterable).......00
Device Driver Level.........00
Diagnostic Level............00