Server Management menu items
Menu item
Submenu item Selections Comments
System Information
View the information about
your system, including the
BMC version information.
Clear all Event Logs
• Enabled
• Disabled
If this item is setto Enabled,
the SEL will be cleared.
BMC LAN Conguration
Conguration Source • Static
• Dynamic
• Do Nothing
Select to congure LAN
channel1 parameters
statically or dynamically
(DHCP). The Do Nothing
option means that BMC
network parameters will
not be modied during the
BIOS phase.
Boot Options menu
This topic provides information about the menus and items on the Boot Options menu in the Setup Utility
The Boot Options menu provides an interface to help you view or change the server startup options,
including the startup sequence and boot priority for various devices. Changes in the startup options take
effect when you start the server.
The startup sequence species the order in which the server checks devices to nd a boot record. The
server starts from the rst boot record that it nds. For example, you can dene a startup sequence that
checks for a disc in the optical drive, then checks the hard disk drive, and then checks a network device.
For information about setting the startup sequence or selecting a startup device, see “Selecting a startup
device” on page 66
The following list, showing the order in which devices will be started up, is always displayed. Even devices
that are not attached to or installed in your server are listed. For each device that is attached to or installed in
the server, information about it is presented on the screen after the colon.
1. UEFI Device:
2. Hard Disk Drive:
3. Optical Disk Drive:
4. Removable Device:
5. Network Device:
The following table shows the contents of the Boot Options menu. On each submenu, press the Enter key
to show selectable options and select a desired option by using up and down arrow keys. Some items are
displayed on the menu only if the server supports the corresponding features.
• Enabled means that the function is congured.
• Disabled means that the function is not congured.
• Default values are in boldface in the Selections column.
Boot Options menu items
62 ThinkServer User Guide