c. Attach the large tie bars with the four mounting screws so that the beveled
edge is facing the inside corner of the chassis and extension.
9. Remove the bottom stop standoff from the primary chassis and attach it to the
cartridge elevator extension in the corresponding mounting hole as shown in
Figure 76.
10. Attach the tensioner springs mounting hardware and springs.
11. Attach the tensioner ramp/idler pulley components to the cartridge elevator
extension in the same manner as shown in Figure 74 on page 79.
12. On the tensioner ramp/idler pulley base of the base expansion section,
compress the springs until the holes in the tensioner ramp are aligned with
the holes in the base of the tensioner, and insert a 0.05 in. allen wrench
through the holes. This sets the idler pulley to the zero position.
13. Cut the new timing belt supplied with the expansion kit (between the teeth)
to the appropriate size for the total number of modules used as shown in
Table 8.
The timing belt supplied with the expansion kits is marked and numbered at
the appropriate cut points.
Table 8. Timing belt lengths
Number of modules Number of teeth Length of belt
Length of belt
2 169 85.8 33 13/16
3 257 130.6 51 3/8
4 344 174.8 68 13/16
5 432 219.5 86 3/8
6 519 263.6 103 13/16
7 607 308.4 121 3/8
8 694 352.6 138 13/16
14. Thread the timing belt counter-clockwise through the top of the tensioner
ramp/idler pulley and clockwise through the motor drive pulley as shown in
Figure 77 on page 81 and Figure 78 on page 81.
Figure 76. Tie bar installation
80 4560SLX Tape Library: User’s Guide