SurePOS 100 Technical Reference
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m10 00111110 3E m20 00101110 2E m30 00000010 02
High-density graphics
"L" n1 n2 m1 m2....
1Bh 4Ch n1 n2 m1 m2....
Definition Range:
1 <= n1 + 256 X n2 <= 400 - (Impact printer)
1 <= n1 + 256 X n2 <= 576 - (Thermal printer)
Executes high-density dot graphics determined by n1 and n2 The total number of bit image data bytes in one line
is equal to n1 + n2 X 256. Refer to K as to the relationship between the dot position and the bit number. The
printer ignores any data bytes over the specified amount allowed in one line.
When the bit image printing is finished, the printer automatically returns to the character mode.
For the impact printer, dots cannot overlap each other in the horizontal direction.
Print fine-density bit image
"k" n d1...dk
1Bh 6Bh n 00h d1...dk
Prints a bit image using 1 horizontal dot and 1 vertical dot for 1 dot of input data. n is designated by the number of
data bytes in the horizontal direction and n must be within the range 1 to 72. The data is ignored if it is longer than
72 digits or goes beyond the right margin. k = n x 24.
Print fine density graphics
"X" n1 n2 d1...d
1Bh 58h n1 n2 d1...dk
Prints a bit image of the input data using horizontal and vertical resolutions of 8 dots/mm. Data extending past the
right margin is ignored. k = (n1 + n2 x 256) x 3. 1 <= n1+n2 x 256 <= 576
9.3.8 Control Codes Used for Character Downloading