Related Publications
The following mobile product publications are available
through IBM or your IBM Authorized Dealer.
Publication Part, Form Number
Mobile Systems HMM
Volume 1: Laptop,
Notebook, Portable, and
ThinkPad Computers
(Models L40, CL57, N45,
N51, P70/P75, ThinkPad
300, 350, 500, 510, 710T,
Expansion Unit, Dock I,
Dock II)
30H2356, S82G-1501-01
Mobile Systems HMM
Volume 2: ThinkPad
(Model 340, 355, 360, 370,
700, 701, 720, 750, 755)
30H2357, S82G-1502-03
ThinkPad 700 (9552) HMS 42G2016, S42G-2016
ThinkPad 700 (9552) HMR 42G2015, S42G-2015
ThinkPad 700C (9552) HMS 42G2022, S42G-2022
ThinkPad 700C (9552) HMR 42G2021, S42G-2021
ThinkPad 720/720C (9552)
61G1193, S61G-1193
ThinkPad 720/720C (9552)
61G1187, S61G-1187
ThinkPad 730T (2524) HMM 82G5497, S82G-5497
ThinkPad Exp. Crtg. (3550)
42G2338, S42G-2338
ThinkPad Exp. Crtg. (3550)
42G2339, S42G-2339
PS/2 FaxConcentrator HMS 15F2262, S15F-2262
PS/2 FaxConcentrator HMR 84F8541, S84F-8541
PS/2 Comm. Cartridge I
10G5993, S10G-5993
PS/2 Comm. Cartridge I
10G5992, S10G-5992
IBM High Speed Internal,
PCMCIA Data/Fax Modems
61G1556, S61G-1556
iv IBM Mobile Systems - ThinkPad HMM Volume 3