POST error messages
POST error messages can appear when a problem is detected during startup. For a
complete list of POST messages, see “POST error codes” on page 85.
Diagnostic programs and error messages
Note: When using diagnostics with a USB keyboard and mouse attached, you
must first enable USB emulation. Complete the following steps to enable
USB emulation:
1. Restart the computer and press F1 to start the Configuration/Setup
2. Select Devices and I/O Ports.
3. Select USB Setup.
4. Make sure that the USB keyboard and mouse are enabled.
Diagnostic error messages indicate that there is a problem; they are not intended to
be used to identify a failing part. Troubleshooting and servicing complex problems
that are indicated by error messages must be performed by trained service
Sometimes the first error to occur causes additional errors. In this case, the
computer displays more than one error message. Always follow the suggested
action instructions for the first error message that appears.
Text messages
The diagnostic text message format is as follows:
result test_specific_string
result is one of the following results:
This test was completed without any errors.
Failed This test discovered an error.
User Aborted
You stopped the test before it was completed.
Not Applicable
You attempted to test a device that is not present in the computer.
The test could not proceed because of the computer configuration.
A possible problem was reported during the test (for example, a
device that was to be tested is not installed).
is an error code or other information about the error.
16 IntelliStation Z Pro Types 6223 and 6227: Hardware Maintenance Manual and Troubleshooting Guide