User’s Manual
IBM PowerPC 750GX and 750GL RISC Microprocessor
Programming Model
Page 92 of 377
March 27, 2006
Summary” in the PowerPC Microprocessor Family: The Programming Environments Manual. These categori-
zations are somewhat arbitrary and are provided for the convenience of the programmer and do not neces-
sarily reflect the PowerPC Architecture specification.
Note that some instructions have the following optional features:
• CR Update—The dot (.) suffix on the mnemonic enables the update of the CR.
• Overflow option—The o suffix indicates that the overflow bit in the XER is enabled.
2.3.4 PowerPC UISA Instructions
The PowerPC UISA includes the base user-level instruction set (excluding a few user-level cache-control,
synchronization, and time-base instructions), user-level registers, programming model, data types, and
addressing modes. This section discusses the instructions defined in the UISA. Integer Instructions
This section describes the integer instructions, which consist of:
• Integer arithmetic instructions
• Integer compare instructions
• Integer logical instructions
• Integer rotate and shift instructions
Integer instructions use the content of the GPRs as source operands and place results into GPRs, into the
Integer Exception Register (XER), and into Condition Register (CR) fields.
Integer Arithmetic Instructions
Table 2-7 lists the integer arithmetic instructions for PowerPC processors.
Table 2-7. Integer Arithmetic Instructions
(Page 1 of 2)
Name Mnemonic Syntax
Add Immediate addi rD,rA,SIMM
Add Immediate Shifted addis rD,rA,SIMM
Add add (add. addo addo.) rD,rA,rB
Subtract From subf (subf. subfo subfo.) rD,rA,rB
Add Immediate Carrying addic rD,rA,SIMM
Add Immediate Carrying and Record addic. rD,rA,SIMM
Subtract from Immediate Carrying subfic rD,rA,SIMM
Add Carrying addc (addc. addco addco.) rD,rA,rB
Subtract from Carrying subfc (subfc. subfco subfco.) rD,rA,rB
Add Extended adde (adde. addeo addeo.) rD,rA,rB
Subtract from Extended subfe (subfe. subfeo subfeo.) rD,rA,rB
Add to Minus One Extended addme (addme. addmeo addmeo.) rD,rA
Subtract from Minus One Extended subfme (subfme. subfmeo subfmeo.) rD,rA