Error Messages
Messages generated by the software—the operating
system or application programs—generally are text
messages, but they also can be numeric. The following
are the various error messages.
POST beep codes
POST error messages
Diagnostic error messages
Software generated messages
Multiple messages
Error Message Description
POST Beep Codes Sounds emitted from the
speaker if POST finds a
problem. One beep
indicates POST completed
successfully. Multiple
beeps indicate a problem
was found by the POST.
POST Error Messages Displayed when POST
detects hardware or
configuration problems.
Diagnostic Error Messages Displayed when a test
program finds a hardware
Software Generated Error
Displayed if a problem or
conflict is found by an
application program, the
operating system, or both.
For an explanation of these
messages, refer to the
information supplied with
that software package.
Multiple Messages The first error that occurs
can cause additional errors.
Always follow the suggested
action instructions for the
error message
Return Codes
For the test programs to properly determine if a test
, or
, the test programs check the
error-return code at test completion. To register the test
properly in the test log, the test programs must generate
one of the following return codes:
Return Code Description
0 Indicates device passed its test.
1 Indicated device failed its test.
2 or greater Indicates test stopped or aborted.
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