23. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard window (for default
installation options, click Next until the Install Shield Wizard Complete
window opens). After the software has been installed, click Finish to
restart the computer.
24. Hardware Configuration: This section is used to perform your Wireless
Network Configuration. You might need information from your network
administrators, such as SSID name and encryption information.
25. Open the Aironet Client Utility (ACU).
26. Click Profile Manager.
27. Under Profile Management, click Add. Enter your wireless network name
in the box, and click Apply. The 350 Series Properties window opens.
28. In the SSID1 box, enter your Network SSID. If additional network
information is required add now. Check with your network administrator
for proper information.
29. After all data is entered, click OK. Your ThinkPad computer will now be
configured and operational.
Installing the device driver in Windows Me
To install the device driver in Windows Millennium Edition (Me), do the
1. Turn off the computer, and install the Mini-PCI Card, using instructions
given in “Installing the Mini-PCI Card” on page 1-2.
2. Turn on the computer.
3. The operating system automatically detects the client adapter and briefly
opens the Found New Hardware window.
4. Click Next.
5. Select Display a list of all the drivers in a specific location, so you can
select the driver you want. Click Next.
6. Click Network adapters, and click Next.
7. Click Have Disk.
8. Insert the Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Client Adapters CD into the CD or
DVD drive.
9. Type D:\DRIVER\WINME where D corresponds to the letter of your CD or
DVD drive, or browse to the path where the driver is located.
10. Click OK.
11. Select Adapter, and click OK. Start Device Driver Installation, and click
12. When the installation is complete, click Finish. When asked to restart,
click Yes.
13. Click Start → Run.
About the Cisco Aironet Wireless 802.11b Mini PCI by IBM