In the EDTF utility, you find all the appropriate line commands by pressing the F1
(Help) Function Key.
Editing stream files by using a PC based editor
The second method to edit the netgroup file is by using a PC-based editor. If you
want to use a PC-based editor, you need access to the /etc directory on the
AS/400. Use one of the following to accomplish this:
v Operations Navigator
v File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
If you are using Operations Navigator, you must have direct access to the /etc
directory. Therefore, your PC-based editor edits the file on the AS/400 system.
Using FTP to edit a stream file, perform the following steps:
1. Transfer the file to your PC by using FTP.
2. Perform your desired changes by using the editor of your choice.
3. Transfer the file back to the /etc directory by using FTP.
Editing stream files by using a UNIX editor via NFS
A third way to edit stream files on the AS/400 system is using a UNIX editor via the
Network File System. In order to do this, perform the following steps:
1. Export the /etc directory on the NFS server by using the EXPORTFS
2. Mount the /etc/ directory to your UNIX system by using the MOUNT command.
3. Change into the /etc directory by using the Change Directory (CD) command.
4. Edit the desired file by using the VI editor or an editor of your choice.
/etc/exports File
This file contains the default exports for the NFS server. This file is processed
whenever the STRNFSSVR command is used with the *ALL parameter. When
created by the system, this file is written in ASCII characters.
Formatting Entries in the /etc/exports File
There are several restrictions on the format of path names in the /etc/exports file.
They are:
1. All entries are ended by the end of a line.
2. The continuation character ’\’ can be used to extend one entry across multiple
lines when it is the last character in the line.
3. All path names must be absolute, beginning at “root” (/).
4. The first character must be a slash (/)
5. There can be no spaces within the path name
6. Elements of a path must be separated by the ’/’ character
7. Each path element cannot be longer than 255 characters
8. No hexadecimal characters are allowed
9. No control-characters are allowed (this includes any characters below ASCII
94 OS/400 Network File System Support V4R4