Chapter 3 BIOS Configuration
CI5VGM User’s Manual 47
BIOS Features Setup
This section allows you to configure and improve your system and allows
you to set up some system features according to your preference.
Virus Warning
: Disabled
Video BIOS Shadow
: Enabled
CPU Internal Cache : Enabled C8000-CBFFF Shadow
: Disabled
External Cache : Enabled CC000-CFFFF Shadow
: Disabled
Quick Power On Self Test : Enabled D0000-D3FFF Shadow
: Disabled
Boot Sequence : A, C, SCSI D4000-D7FFF Shadow
: Disabled
Swap Floppy Drive : Disabled D8000-DBFFF Shadow
: Disabled
Boot Up Floppy Drive : Enabled DC000-DFFF Shadow
: Disabled
Boot Up Numlock Status : On
Boot Up System Speed : High
Gate A20 Option : Fast
Memory Parity / ECC Check : Disabled
Typematic Rate Setting : Disabled
Typematic Rate (chars/Sec) : 6
Typematic Delay (Msec) : 250
Security Option : Setup
PCI /VGA Palette Snoop : Disabled ESC : Quit
: Select Item
OS Select For DRAM>64MB
: Non-OS2 F1 : Help
PU/PD/+/- : Modify
HDD S.M.A.R.T. capability : Enabled F5 : Old Values (Shift) F2 : Color
F6 : Load BIOS Defaults
F7 : Load Setup Defaults
Virus Warning
This item protects the boot sector and partition table of your hard disk
against accidental modifications. If an attempt is made, the BIOS will
halt the system and display a warning message. If this occurs, you can
either allow the operation to continue or run an anti-virus program to
locate and remove the problem.
Many disk diagnostic programs which attempt to access the
boot sector table can cause the virus warning. If you will run
such a program, disable the Virus Warning feature.
CPU Internal Cache / External Cache
Cache memory is additional memory that is much faster than
conventional DRAM (system memory). CPUs from 486-type on up
contain internal cache memory, and most, but not all, modern PCs have
additional (external) cache memory. When the CPU requests data, the
system transfers the requested data from the main DRAM into cache
memory, for even faster access by the CPU. These items allow you to
enable (speed up memory access) or disable the cache function. By
default, these items are Enabled.