Chapter 2. DB2 server deployment 35
Therefore, it might be necessary to consider remote database connectivity/
catalog during the DB2 server deployment planning if you have the following
The applications running on the same machine as the DB2 server has to
access a remote database.
Database federation is enabled and other databases have to be accessed by
the local server through a nickname.
High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR) is set up.
DB2 provides useful utilities to copy the configuration from a test environment to
a production system easily. In the following sections, we introduce DB2
configuration assistant, db2cfexp, db2cfimp, db2look, and db2rspgn.
DB2 Configuration Assistant
DB2 Configuration Assistant is a GUI tool that provides assistance with
cataloging remote DB2 servers as well as certain administrative tasks. The DB2
Configuration Assistant can perform administrative tasks such as export or
import configuration profiles, binding files, adding new databases, and
configuring CLI settings.
The command for starting DB2 Configuration Assistant is db2ca. On Windows,
besides the command line, you can also open it from Start → Programs → IBM
DB2 → DB2COPY1(default) → Set-up Tools → Configuration Assistant. The
configured connectivity entries, both local and remote, are presented as shown
in Figure 2-1.
Note: Beginning with DB2 9.1, GUI tools are only available for Windows x86,
Windows x64 (AMD64 and Intel EM64T), 32-bit Linux x86, Linux for AMD64,
and Intel EM64T. That means you cannot directly use GUI tools on other
platforms such as AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris.
However, you can continue using the GUI tools on the supported platforms
and remotely administer DB2 servers running on AIX, Solaris, or HP-UX
where no GUI tools are installed. In general, these GUI tools do not
differentiate remote DB2 servers from local ones.
Some administrative tasks require an administration server to be created.
Make sure that you have DAS created and started on the same machines
where the DB2 servers are to be administered by the GUI tools.