Workstation Preparation & New User Getting Started Guide
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1. Quick Start - To Configure Your Workstation for E-CollabCenter
NOTICE: Our Unclassified was upgraded in August 2007 to be compliant with FIPS 140-2. The
upgrade requires Sun Java release 1.5.0, update 12. If you are using the SameTime Thick Client, a
compatible version is now available for download on our website (version ST 7.5.1 FIPS).
1. The E-CollabCenter solution requires Sun Java JRE release 1.5.0, update 12 or later.
Compatible versions of Java may be found below:
JRE 1.5.0, Update 12
NIPRNet: http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index_jdk5.jsp
SIPRNet: https://patches.csd.disa.smil.mil/metadata.jsp?ID=76827
JRE 1.6.0, Update 3 (Latest version as of 20 February, 2008)
NIPRNet: http://www.java.com/en/download/
SIPRNet: https://patches.csd.disa.smil.mil/metadata.jsp?ID=77506
2. For details on how to check your version, see section 4.5 Details on the required Sun Java
Runtime Environment (JRE).
3. Cookies must be enabled (this is an Internet Explorer (IE) default setting). In IE go to Tools
-> Internet Options -> Privacy and select “Medium”
4. Sun Java must be enabled in the browser and Microsoft VM disabled, here is how to check
a. Launch Internet Explorer
b. Click on Tools>Internet Options
c. Click on the ‘Advanced’ tab and verify that the Java (Sun) is checked. Also make sure
that all the options under ‘Microsoft VM’ are unchecked.
d. If the SUN Java option is not checked, it means that the browser is not using it.
e. Click on ‘OK’ on the options window for any changes to take effect and close and
restart the browser
5. TLS 1.0 must be enabled in your Browser (otherwise you will not be able to view the login
a. Launch Internet Explorer (for Firefox users this is enabled by default)
b. Click on Tools>Internet Options
c. Click on the ‘Advanced’ tab and verify that TLS 1.0 is checked (by default IE 6 has TLS
1.0 not enabled while IE 7 does)
d. If TLS 1.0 is not checked, check it and then restart IE
6. TLS 1.0 must be enabled in Java. Follow the steps below:
a. From Windows click on Start
b. Highlight Settings
c. Click on Control Panel
d. Double click on Java
e. Select the Advanced tab
f. Click the “+” sign at left of Security to expand
a. Once expanded the “+” changes to “-“
i. Select/Check Use TLS 1.0
ii. Click the Apply button
iii. Click the OK button
7. Binary and script behavior must be enabled in IE (does not apply to Firefox users)
a. Launch Internet Explorer
b. Select Tools …. Internet Options from the IE menu bar
c. then click on the Security tab,