Chapter 9. Configuration planning 169
Copy functions, you specify the feature code that represents the physical capacity to
authorize for the function.
Table 9-5 provides the feature codes for the Point-in-Time Copy function. (The codes apply to
models 921,922, and 9A2.)
Table 9-5 Point-in-Time Copy (PTC) feature codes
You can combine feature codes to order the exact capacity you need. For example, if you
determine that you need 23 TB of Point-in-Time capacity, you can order two 7203 features
(this will give you 20 TB) and three 7201 features (this will give you 3 TB), giving you a total of
23 TB.
9.3.3 Remote Mirror and Copy functions (2244 Model RMC)
The Remote Mirror and Copy licensed function model and features establish the extent of
IBM authorization for the use of the Metro Mirror (Synchronous PPRC), Global Mirror
(Asynchronous PPRC) and Global Copy (PPRC Extended Distance).
Table 9-6 provides the feature codes for the Remote Mirror and Copy functions. (The codes
apply to models 921,922, and 9A2.)
Table 9-6 Remote Mirror and Copy (RMC) feature codes
9.3.4 Remote Mirror for z/OS (2244 Model RMZ)
The Remote Mirror for z/OS licensed function model and features establish the extent of IBM
authorization for the use of IBM TotalStorage z/OS Global Mirror.
Table 9-7 on page 170 provides the feature codes for Remote Mirror for zSeries functions.
(The codes apply to models 921,922, and 9A2.)
Feature code Description
7200 PTC-inactive
7201 PTC-1TB unit
7202 PTC-5TB unit
7203 PTC-10TB unit
7204 PTC-25TB unit
7205 PTC-50TB unit
7210 PTC-100TB unit
Feature code Description
7400 RMC-inactive
7401 RMC-1TB unit
7402 RMC-5TB unit
7403 RMC-10TB unit
7404 RMC-25TB unit
7405 RMC-50TB unit
7410 RMC-100TB unit