You can set the severity of an AS/400 alert event on the event console as follows,
based on the AS/400 alert type field specified in the message description:
Alert Type Default Severity
01 (permanent loss of availability) CRITICAL
04 (operator intervention required) CRITICAL
09 (unavailable network component) CRITICAL
0E (security problem) CRITICAL
10 (permanently affected resource) CRITICAL
03 (performance degradation) WARNING
0A (notification: loss impending) WARNING
0C (installation consistency) WARNING
0D (operational procedural error) WARNING
0F (delayed condition) WARNING
11 (impending problem) WARNING
14 (bypassed loss of availability) WARNING
16 (monitored situation event) WARNING
0B (environmental problem) MINOR
12 (unknown) UNKNOWN
02 (temporary loss of availability) HARMLESS
05 (reserved) HARMLESS
06 (reserved) HARMLESS
07 (reserved) HARMLESS
08 (reserved) HARMLESS
13 (retired) HARMLESS
other values HARMLESS
Troubleshooting the AS/400 Adapter
If a problem occurs with the AS/400 adapter, you can perform problem
determination by investigating the job the adapter is running in. Each time you
start an AS/400 adapter, a batch job is started. You can view the adapter job by
issuing the following command:
Where name is the name of the adapter job that matches the name specified on the
STRTECADP command. This will display the Work with Job dialog.
Note: Several adapter jobs might have existed on your AS/400 system with the
same name as the current adapter job. In this case, you are first presented
with a list of jobs to choose from. Select the most recent job from the list.
From the Work with Job dialog, you can select option 10 to display the job log, or
if the job has ended (selecting option 10 will tell you so), you can view the job log
that was generated by selecting option 4.
Examine the job log for messages indicating the error that occurred and follow the
corrective action specified. For further assistance, contact Customer Support.
34 IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console: Adapters Guide