About Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning
Guide (G544–5774)
This publication provides an overview of Infoprint Server for iSeries Version 5
Release 2 (licensed program number 5722–IP1). The term ″iSeries″ refers to the
system formerly called AS/400
. The term ″OS/400
″ refers to the operating system
of the iSeries.
This introduction includes an overview of Infoprint Server for iSeries, explains its
benefits, describes how you can use Infoprint Server for iSeries, describes how
Infoprint Server for iSeries works, and introduces some products you can use with
Infoprint Server for iSeries. This publication is organized into chapters to help you
obtain the information you need about Infoprint Server for iSeries. Instead of
reading the entire publication, you can read only those chapters that apply to you:
v Chapter 1, “What Infoprint Server Can Do for You” is intended for managers
and system administrators. The chapter describes the overall benefits that
Infoprint Server for iSeries provides and lists the hardware and software needed
to use this product.
v Chapter 2, “Using Infoprint Server” is intended for managers, operators, and
system administrators. It provides a number of scenarios that show how you can
use Infoprint Server for iSeries in various printing situations.
v Chapter 3, “Understanding the Infoprint Server Components” is intended for
system administrators who want to understand how Infoprint Server for iSeries
works. The chapter describes the component parts of Infoprint Server for iSeries.
v Chapter 4, “Related Products” describes some IBM products that you can use
with Infoprint Server for iSeries.
Who Should Read This Book
This publication is intended for people who need to understand the benefits and
capabilities of Infoprint Server for iSeries.
Prerequisite and Related information
Use the iSeries Information Center as your starting point for looking up iSeries
technical information.
You can access the Information Center two ways:
v From the following Web site:
v From CD-ROMs that ship with your order:
iSeries Information Center, SK3T-4091-02. This package also includes the PDF
versions of iSeries manuals, iSeries Information Center: Supplemental Manuals,
SK3T-4092-01, which replaces the Softcopy Library CD-ROM.
The iSeries Information Center contains advisors and important topics such as
, TCP/IP, Web serving, secured networks, logical partitions, clustering, CL
commands, and system application programming interfaces (APIs). It also includes
links to related IBM Redbooks
and Internet links to other IBM Web sites such as
the IBM home page.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 vii