v To initialize and then start the database server, run the command with the -iy
starts server_name -iy
Warning: If you run the -iy switch on a database server that has IDS databases,
the data is deleted.
Stopping the Database Server
To stop the database server from the Control Panel, you must be a member of the
Windows Administrators group. To stop the database server from the command
line, you must be a member of the Informix-Admin group.
To stop the database server:
v From the Control Panel:
1. Choose Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools.
2. Double-click Services.
3. Select Informix IDS - server_name from the Service list box.
4. Click Stop.
v From the Command Prompt window:
1. Click Start > Programs > IBM Informix Dynamic Server 11.50 to display the
program group for the database server.
2. Click the database server instance (server_name) to display the Command
Prompt window.
3. In the Command Prompt window, type:
onmode -ky
Database Server Configuration After Installation
If you need to create a Dynamic Server instance after installation completes, you
can use the Server Instance Manager or use the standard configuration file
(onconfig.std) as a basis for a new configuration file.
The genoncfg utility is an alternative configuration method if you are comfortable
working in a command-line environment. With this utility, you set a short list of
parameters in an input file, from which the utility then generates a Dynamic
Server configuration file that is optimized for both your anticipated usage and
your host environment. You cannot use this utility to change a working
configuration file. The genoncfg utility is documented in the IBM Informix Dynamic
Server Administrator’s Reference.
The following information is provided for advanced users who must manually
start or change configuration of a database server instance.
Database Server Number
The database server number uniquely identifies a database server if more than one
instance of the database server is installed.
If only one instance of the database server is installed, set this number to 0. The
database server number that you specify is the value for the SERVERNUM
configuration parameter.
3-4 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows