This option indicates whether the transaction is initially system-purgeable; that
is, whether CICS can purge the transaction as a result of:
v Expiry of a deadlock timeout (DTIMOUT) delay interval
The default is SPURGE(NO).
This option indicates whether the transaction is system-purgeable in the event
of a (non-VTAM) terminal error.
The default is TPURGE(NO).
Indoubt options for distributed transactions
When defining user transactions that update remote resources, you can specify the
following options for remote recovery purposes:
Specifies the action to be taken when a failure occurs during two-phase
commit processing, after the unit of work has entered the indoubt period.
If you’ve specified WAIT(YES), the action is not taken unless the interval
specified on WAITTIME expires before recovery occurs.
Whether you specify BACKOUT or COMMIT is likely to depend on the kinds
of changes made to resources in the remote system.
Specifies whether a failed indoubt unit of work is to wait, pending recovery
from the failure, to resolve its indoubt state, or whether CICS is to take
immediately the action specified by the ACTION option.
Note: A WAIT(YES) option can be overridden by WAIT(NO) defined on an
intrapartition transient data queue. If a TD queue that is access by a
transaction specifies WAIT(NO), and the transaction specifies WAIT(YES), the
TD queue definition forces the transaction to either backout or commit, as
specified by the ACTION attribute on the transaction resource definition.
Specifies, if WAIT(YES), how long the transaction is to wait before taking the
action specified by ACTION.
You can use WAIT and WAITTIME to allow an opportunity for normal
recovery and resynchronization to take place, while ensuring that a transaction
commits or backs out within a reasonable time. See the CICS
Intercommunication Guidefor information about defining wait times for
distributed transactions.
For more information about recovery of distributed units of work, see the CICS
Intercommunication Guide.
For more information about options on the TRANSACTION definition, see the
CICS Resource Definition Guide.
124 CICS TS for z/OS 4.1: Recovery and Restart Guide