Chapter 21. Datacenter solution program 277
39Y6079 NetXtreme 1000 TxG Ethernet Adapter Can be installed in models 88727AY, 88727BY,
88728AY, 88728BY, 88743AY and 88743BY
39Y6093 NetXtreme 1000 TxG Dual Port Ethernet Adapter Can be installed in models 88727AY, 88727BY,
88728AY, 88728BY, 88743AY and 88743BY
93084RX NetBAY42 Enterprise Rack Cabinet Compatible with models 88722xx, 88723xx,
88725xx, 88726xx, 88741xx and 88742xx
93084XX NetBAY42 Enterprise Expansion Rack Cabinet Compatible with models 88722xx, 88723xx,
88725xx, 88726xx, 88741xx and 88742xx
93084RX NetBAY42 ER Enterprise Rack Cabinet - 42u
Compatible with models 88727AY, 88727BY,
88728AY, 88728BY, 88743AY and 88743BY
93084XX NetBAY42 EX Enterprise Expansion Cabinet - 42u
Compatible with models 88727AY, 88727BY,
88728AY, 88728BY, 88743AY and 88743BY
Software Update Subscriptions
Note: these are 4 processor subscriptions. 8-way
configurations will need quantity two, 16-way will
need four, etc.
4816GAX Software Update Subscription for Microsoft
Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition, 32-bit, 4
processor, High Availability
Compatible with models 88722xx, 88723xx,
88725xx, 88726xx, 88741xx and 88742xx
4816HAX Software Update Subscription for Microsoft
Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition, 64-bit, 4
processor, High Availability
Compatible with models 88722xx, 88723xx,
88725xx, 88726xx, 88741xx and 88742xx
4816JAX IBM Software Update Subscription for Microsoft
Windows Server 2003 R2, Datacenter Edition, 32
bit, 4 processor, High Availability
Compatible with models 88727AY, 88727BY,
88728AY, 88728BY, 88743AY and 88743BY
4816KAX IBM Software Update Subscription for Microsoft
Windows Server 2003 R2, Datacenter x64 Edition,
64 bit, 4 processor, High Availability
Compatible with models 88727AY, 88727BY,
88728AY, 88728BY, 88743AY and 88743BY
Warranty Upgrades
3, 4
96P2679 1-year MA IOR 9 x 5 Warranty upgrade for all Datacenter 8872 models.
96P2680 1-year MA IOR 9 x 5 Warranty upgrade for all Datacenter 8872 models.
96P2681 1-year MA IOR 24 X 7 Warranty upgrade for all Datacenter 8872 models.
96P2682 1-year MA IOR 24 X 7 Warranty upgrade for all Datacenter 8872 models.
96P2683 2-year MA IOR 9 x 5 Warranty upgrade for all Datacenter 8872 models.
96P2684 2-year MA IOR 9 x 5 Warranty upgrade for all Datacenter 8872 models.
96P2685 2-year MA IOR 24 X 7 Warranty upgrade for all Datacenter 8872 models.
96P2686 2-year MA IOR 24 X 7 Warranty upgrade for all Datacenter 8872 models.
96P2687 3-year IOR 9 x 5 Warranty upgrade for all Datacenter 8872 models.
96P2688 3 Year IOR 24x7x4 Warranty upgrade for all Datacenter 8872 models.
96P2689 3 Year IOR 24x7x2 Warranty upgrade for all Datacenter 8872 models.
96P2692 4 Year IOR 24x7x4 Warranty upgrade for all Datacenter 8872 models.
Table 49. Datacenter High Availability Solution Additional Options
Additional, certified options for use with IBM Datacenter solutions.
Number Description Comment