3•6 User Guide
PCM Samples to the first 6 locations of the Sam-
ple-Ram (in replacement of an eventual sample
occupying location 8).
Location 7 can accept PCM Samples originating
from CD Series instruments.
PS1500 offers several Edit modes to modify var-
ious aspects of the instrument. Each mode con-
sists of a set of parameters spread across sever-
al edit pages.
The Edit Modes are:
• Edit Preset (program changes, track trans-
pose and tunings and pedal assignments,
• Edit MIDI (MIDI channel settings, Common
channel, Local off, General MIDI compatibil-
ity, etc.);
• Edit Mixer (track levels, pan settings);
• Edit Sound (macro edit of sound and drumkit
• Edit General (parameters the affect the in-
strument as a whole);
• Edit Effects (parameters that modify the Re-
verb and Effects units of the Digital Effects
• Edit Samples/Pads (Sample editing and Pad
assignment functions);
• Edit Song (editing functions for User Style,
Song/Style and Song recordings);
Edit modes