If possible, be near your computer when you make your call in case the
technical assistance representative needs to help you resolve a computer
problem. Please ensure that you have downloaded the most current drivers
and system updates, run diagnostics, and recorded information before you
call. When calling for technical assistance, please have the following
information available:
v Machine Type and Model
v Serial numbers of your computer, monitor, and other components, or your
proof of purchase
v Description of the problem
v Exact wording of any error messages
v Hardware and software configuration information for your system
Telephone numbers
Note: Telephone numbers are subject to change without notice. For the latest
list of IBM HelpCenter telephone numbers and hours of operation, visit
the Support Web site at
Country or region Language Telephone Number
Argentina Spanish 11-4717-4357
Australia English 1300-130-426
Austria German 01-54658-5060
Belgium Dutch
02-714 35 70
02-714 35 15
Brazil Portuguese 55-0800 78 48 31
Canada English/ French 1-800-565-3344
Chile Spanish 800-203300
China Mandarin 800-810-1818
Colombia Spanish 9-800-18811
Denmark Danish 35 25 02 91
Ecuador Spanish 2-565-130
Finland Finnish 9-22 931 840
France French 01-69 32 40 40
Germany German 069-6654 9040
Getting help and service
A22e Service and Troubleshooting Guide