drive to which it is assigned. An unassigned hot-spare drive is ″global″: it can be
used to rebuild any logical drive on the controller.
Note: You cannot assign a hot-spare drive while a logical drive is being built or
modified (such as a logical drive migration).
1. In the Physical devices view, click
(ready physical drive).
2. Right-click Create assigned hot-spare drive for
the logical device name.
The ServeRAID Manager creates a dedicated hot-spare drive for the logical
More information
v Choosing to create a hot-spare drive
v RAID levels that can use a hot-spare or standby hot-spare drive
a hot-spare drive:
Note: This action is supported on the integrated RAID controller in bootable-CD
mode only.
Use this action to delete a hot-spare physical drive from your configuration.
1. In the Physical devices view, click
(hot-spare drive).
2. Right-click Delete hot-spare drive. The ServeRAID Manager deletes the
hot-spare drive from the configuration by setting the drive state to ready. If you
removed the drive from the server, the ServeRAID Manager removes the drive
from the configuration.
a standby hot-spare drive:
Note: This action is not supported on the ServeRAID-8i/8k/8k-l SAS controllers,
the ServeRAID-7t SATA controller, and the integrated RAID controller.
Use this action to delete a standby hot-spare physical drive from your
1. In the Physical devices view, click
(standby hot-spare drive).
2. Right-click Delete standby hot-spare drive. The ServeRAID Manager deletes
the standby hot-spare drive from the configuration by setting the drive state to
ready. If you have physically removed the drive, the ServeRAID Manager
removes the drive from the configuration.
to create a hot-spare or standby hot-spare drive: Hot-spare drives and
standby hot-spare drives supply additional protection to a RAID configuration. If a
physical drive fails in configurations other than RAID level-0 and RAID level-00,
the hot-spare drive automatically replaces the failed physical drive. Subsequently,
the logical drive can be rebuilt automatically.
Note: You cannot use hot-spare drives with RAID level-0 and RAID level-00.
You can create a hot-spare drive in the Configuration wizard when you first
configure the controller. If you choose not to create a hot-spare drive at that time,
you can do so later.
More information
v Creating a hot-spare drive (action)
v Creating a standby hot-spare drive (action)
Chapter 4. Managing ServeRAID devices 145