System z now supports 12x Infi niBand single data rate
(12x IB-SDR) coupling link attachment between System
z10 and System z9 general purpose (no longer limited to
standalone coupling facility)
InterSystem Channel-3 (ISC-3)
supports communica-
tion at unrepeated distances up to 10 km (6.2 miles)
using 9 micron single mode fi ber optic cables and
greater distances with System z-qualifi ed optical net-
working solutions. ISC-3s are supported exclusively in
peer mode (CHPID type CFP).
Note: The Infi niBand link data rates do not represent the
performance of the link. The actual performance is depen-
dent upon many factors including latency through the
adapters, cable lengths, and the type of workload. Spe-
cifi cally, with 12x Infi niBand coupling links, while the link
data rate is higher than that of ICB, the service times of
coupling operations are greater, and the actual throughput
is less.
Refer to the Coupling Facility Confi guration Options white-
paper for a more specifi c explanation of when to continue
using the current ICB or ISC-3 technology versus migrat-
ing to Infi niBand coupling links.
The whitepaper is available at: http://www.
z10 Coupling Link Options
Type Description Use Link Distance
z10 BC z10
ata rate
z10 EC Max
z10 to z10
5 Gbps 10 km unrepeated 12*/32*
(6.2 miles)
100 km repeated
PSIFB 12x IB-DDR z10 to z10 6 GBps 150 meters 12*/32*
z10 to z9 3 GBps
(492 ft)***
IC Internal
Internal Internal N/A 32/32
Coupling Communi- Speeds
Channel cation
ICB-4 Copper z10, z9 2 GBps 10 meters*** 12/16
connection z990, z890 (33 ft)
between OS
and CF
ISC-3 Fiber z10, z9 2 Gbps 10 km 48/48
connection z990, z890 unrepeated
between OS (6.2 miles)
and CF 100 km repeated
• The maximum number of Coupling Links combined cannot exceed 64
per server (PSIFB, ICB-4, ISC-3). There is a maximum of 64 Coupling
CHPIDs (CIB, ICP, CBP, CFP) per server.
• For each MBA fanout installed for ICB-4s, the number of possible
customer HCA fanouts is reduced by one
* Each link supports defi nition of multiple CIB CHPIDs, up to 16 per
** z10 negotiates to 3 GBps (12x IB-SDR) when connected to a System
** 3 meters (10 feet) reserved for internal routing and strain relief
Note: The Infi niBand link data rates of 6 GBps, 3 GBps, 2.5 Gbps, or 5
Gbps do not represent the performance of the link. The actual performance
is dependent upon many factors including latency through the adapters,
cable lengths, and the type of workload. With Infi niBand coupling links,
while the link data rate may be higher than that of ICB (12x IB-SDR or 12x
IB-DDR) or ISC-3 (1x IB-SDR or 1x IB-DDR), the service times of coupling
operations are greater, and the actual throughput may be less than with ICB
links or ISC-3 links.