Ideal Boilers
P.O. Box 103, National Ave, Kingston upon Hull, HU5
4JN. Telephone: 01482 492 251 Fax: 01482 448 858. Registration
No. London 322 137.
Technical Training
Ideal Stelrad Group pursues a policy of continuing improvement
in the design and performance of its products. The right is
therefore reserved to vary specification without notice.
The Ideal Boilers Technical Training Centre offers a series
of first class training courses for domestic, commercial and
industrial heating installers, engineers and system
For details of courses please ring: ............ 01482 498 432
Manufactured under a BS EN ISO 9001: 2000
Quality System accepted by BSI
The code of practice for the installation,
commissioning & servicing of central heating systems
deal Installer/Technical Helpline: 01482 498 663
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