General Questions
Downloading/Upgrading MusicMatch Jukebox
Installation/Uninstallation of MusicMatch Jukebox
Music Library
General Troubleshooting
Frequently Used Terms
>General Questions
What is MusicMatch vs. MusicMatch Jukebox?
MusicMatch is the company that develops MusicMatch Jukebox, the original all-in-one MP3 software.
What is the difference between the standard MusicMatch Jukebox, that you can download for free, and
MusicMatch Jukebox Plus?
MusicMatch Jukebox Plus, the enhanced version of MusicMatch Jukebox, will allow you to record an unlimited number of
tracks from your CD collection onto your PC, with the option to record at CD-quality (above 96 kbps - all the way up to 320
kbps). That means that the MP3 or digital audio files you create will be recorded with the highest sound quality possible.
The standard version of MusicMatch Jukebox, available for free, lets you record up to near-CD quality, or 96 kbps. Both
versions will allow you to download an unlimited number of tracks from the Internet, and allow unlimited play capabilities,
plus the use of the Music Library. Another feature to note: the MusicMatch Jukebox Plus allows you to convert MP3 files to
WAV files at CD-quality, while the standard version only allows conversion at near-CD quality, or 96 kbps.
How much memory will MP3 files recorded from a CD by MusicMatch Jukebox take up on my computer's hard
This depends on which compression routine you use, either near-CD or CD quality. As a very general rule, you can usually
assume 1MB = 1 minute of music in an MP3 file. For near-CD quality, a three-minute song will take up only 1.8MB of disk
space, compared to 31 MB for an uncompressed WAV file. Using CD quality, the file size will be just under 1 MB per minute
of song. Choosing your own compression mode, using Constant or Variable Bit Rate, will vary depending on the setting you
A comparison done using a Plextor 12/20X Drive is as follows:
Compression type
Original File
Record Time
Compressed File
MP3 CD Quality (12:1) 27.2 MB
2min: 30 sec. 0min:
2.46 MB
MP3 Near-CD Quality
27.2 MB
2min: 30 sec. 0min:
1.54 MB
WAV non compressed 27.2 MB
2min: 30 sec. 0min: