
Copyright © 2010 Digital Products International (DPI, Inc.) | All other trademarks appearing herein are the property of their respective owners.
Specications are subject to change without notice
Environmental Commitment to ‘Protect
for Today and Sustain for Tomorrow’
2009 marked the ofcial launch of DPI,
Inc.’s corporate campaign for a greener
and cleaner world. DPI is building upon
environmental initiatives introduced at
all of their facilities to help formulate
and sustain signicant and important
conservation efforts within its manu-
facturing and marketing communities.
In addition to targeting and selecting
energy efcient product features, and
structuring ‘green ofce’ procedures,
other initial program efforts include:
Reduction of all packaging sizes
Recyclable plastics for clamshell
packages, with a plan to eventually
replace plastic with recyclable
Recycled ber board in place of the
polyfoam in packing boxes
Recycled plastics in place of
the virgin material in product
To download this User’s Guide in Eng-
lish, Spanish, or French, visit the support
section at www.ilive.net.
Para transferir esta guía de usuario en in-
glés, español, o francés, visite la sección
de la ayuda en www.ilive.net.
Pour télécharger ce guide de l’utilisateur
en anglais, espagnol, ou français, visitez
la section de soutien chez www.ilive.net.
Phone: 1-888-999-4215
Email: customerservice@ilive.net
Parts Email: partsinfo@dpi-global.com
Website: www.ilive.net
Green Initiative International Support
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