NIC (Network Interface Card): An
expansion card connected to a computer
so the computer can be connected to a
Packet: A block of data that is transferred
as a single unit, also called a frame or a
Packet Filtering: Discarding unwanted
network trafc based on its originating
address or its type.
PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect):
A bus that is connected directly to the
PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card
International Association) Card: Removable
module that adds features to a portable
Ping (Packet Internet Groper): An Internet
utility used to determine whether a
particular IP address is online.
Plug and Play: Hardware that, once
installed (“plugged in”), can immediately
be used (“played”), as opposed to hardware
that requires manual conguration.
PoE (Power over Ethernet): A mechanism
to send DC power to a device using a CAT5
Ethernet cable.
PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over
Ethernet): A specication for connecting
users on an Ethernet line to the Internet
through a common broadband medium.
Protocol: A standard way of exchanging
information between computers.
RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial
In User Service): A server that issues
authentication key to clients.
RAM (Random Access Memory): Non-
permanent memory.