Color Temperature: changes the intensity of the colors. Select a value.
Native means an uncorrected/unchanged color temperature. Other values
change the white point of the colors. 6500K is generally used for film con
tent and 9300K is used for TV video.
Color Control: allows you to individually adjust the gain and offset of the
red, green, and blue colors. These advanced controls have the same effect as
contrast and brightness, but each controls a single color only.
Video Standard: when it is set to Auto, the projector attempts to automati-
cally pick the video standard based on the input signal it receives. (The
video standard options may vary depending on your region of the world.) If
the projector is unable to detect the correct standard, the colors may not
look right or the image may appear “torn.” If this happens, manually select
a video standard by selecting NTSC, PAL, or SECAM from the Video Stan
dard menu.
Overscan: removes noise around the edges of the video image. Select Zoom
to remove the outer 3% of the image and scale the image back up to its orig-
inal size. Select Crop to remove the outer 3% of the image without rescaling
the image.
Noise Reduction: adjusts signal noise reduction. Choose Enable then adjust
the level. The software determines the differences between successive image
frames and averages the changes out to reduce the noise.
Color Control
Video Standard
Noise Reduction