
Appendix A
Glossary of Terms
16-bit & 32-bit
This refers to the operating system or an application written
for a specific operating system. Windows 3.x is 16-bit and
Windows 95 is 32-bit. Programs that work in both Windows
3.x and Windows 95 are 16-bit (also called Legacy programs).
Programs written only for Windows 95 are 32-bit and will not
work in Windows 3.x. When a you are choosing a source, if
you are using a 16-bit application, you should choose a 16-bit
source. If you are using a 32-bit application, you should
choose a 32-bit source. 3rd party software can be either 16-
bit or 32-bit and an appropriate source should be chosen.
Application Software
Any software that manipulates images or text in some man-
ner. Different scanning software has different functions: some
allow you to manipulate and modify images (see Image
Editing) and some allow you to convert a scanned document
into editable text (see OCR). Some software, such as
ImageDock, is more fully featured providing a broader range
of uses, such as OCR and document storage, but also has
some limited image editing features.
Image Editing
You can take any image, either scanned or from a file and
manipulate the image in a variety of ways. Many image
editing software applications are also scanning applications.
There is a wealth of 3rd party twain-compliant image editing
software: Aobe Photoshop, Print Shop Pro, Corel, Fractal
Painter, Paint, Paint Brush, etc. With image editing software,
it is possible to save your image in a variety of file formats
depending on the software you are using, see Graphics