Adding and Controlling a Thermostat from SmartLinc
1. Write down your thermostat’s INSTEON I.D. (located on the back near the label). If using a
2. Log onto http://smartlinc.smarthome.com and click the Room Settings icon (cube with a wrench).
3. If you haven’t already, create a room called “Thermostat” in the 16th room slot (bottom right).
temperatures and modes from the SmartLinc interface. Note that you must add the thermostat in its
own room in the 16th (bottom right) room slot.
(See Adding/Naming Rooms in SmartLinc.)
4. Click Thermostat scene.
5. Type the INSTEON I.D. you wrote down in
then click Save New ID.
6. WaitwhileSmartLincautomaticallyndsand
7. Use the drop-down menus to change
thermostat mode, fan mode and heat and
cool setpoints.