INSTEON SwitchLinc V2 Dimmer User’s Guide
4. Send the following X10 Address sequence to lock in the new Ramp Rate:
5. SwitchLinc Dimmer will flash the light it is wired to and blink an LED in its LED Bar, indicating that the
Ramp Rate has been set for the X10 Primary Address.
About X10 Scene Address Programming
SwitchLinc Dimmer can be a member of up to 255 X10 Scenes. An X10 Scene Address is just another
X10 address like the X10 Primary Address. When an X10 ON command is sent to an X10 Scene
Address, every X10 Scene-enabled module with that X10 Scene Address will turn on to its independent
On-Level at its independent Ramp Rate. Sending an X10 OFF command to an X10 Scene Address will
turn off all modules that are members of that X10 Scene, each at its independent Ramp Rate. X10
Scene-enabled modules will react to DIM and BRIGHT commands after the X10 Scene Address is sent.
However, they will ignore ALL ON and ALL OFF commands for the X10 Scene Address.
Remotely Setting an X10 Scene Address and On-Level
1. Using an X10 Controller, send the CLEAR Sequence:
2. Set the On-Level for the X10 Scene Address by adjusting SwitchLinc Dimmer’s brightness using its
paddle or any Controller. If you skip this step, the current On-Level will be used. A scene can trigger
SwitchLinc Dimmer to go off by setting the On-Level to 0%.
3. Send the following X10 Address sequence:
4. Send the desired X10 Scene Address (house code and unit code) to lock in the new On-Level and
X10 Scene Address.
5. SwitchLinc Dimmer will flash the light it is wired to and blink an LED in its LED Bar, indicating that the
X10 Scene Address and On-Level have been set up.
Remotely Removing an X10 Scene Address
1. Using an X10 Controller, send the CLEAR Sequence:
Rate in
Rate in
Rate in
100% 0.1 65% 26 29% 2.5
97% 0.2 61% 28 26% 3.0
94% 0.3 58% 30 23% 3.5
90% 0.5 55% 32 19% 4.0
87% 2.0 52% 34 16% 4.5
84% 4.5 48% 38 13% 5
81% 6.5 45% 43 10% 6
77% 8.5 42% 47 6% 7
74% 19.0 39% 60 3% 8
71% 21.5 35% 90 0% 9
68% 23.5 32% 120
O16 P16 N16 M16 O16
O16 N16 M16 P16 M16
M16 N16 O16 P16
O16 N16 M16 P16 M16
2. Send SwitchLinc Dimmer’s X10 Primary Address (house code and unit code).
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