Zone 2
With the Zone 2 function, you can enjoy one input
source in the main room and a different source in another
There are two connection methods: using a receiver/inte-
grated amp in Zone 2 or using only a pair of speakers in
Zone 2.
Using a Receiver/Integrated Amp in Zone 2
With this connection method, you can use 5.1 surround
sound in the main room and play a different AV source in
Zone 2. The volume for Zone 2 is set on the receiver/
integrated amp.
• Use an RCA audio cable to connect the AV receiver’s
ZONE 2 OUT L/R jacks to an analog audio input on
your receiver/integrated amp.
• Connect the Zone 2 speakers to the speaker terminals
on the receiver/integrated amp.
The AV receiver’s ZONE 2 OUT jacks can also be used
as pre outs, although, in this case, the volume cannot be
controlled solely on the connected amplifier. See “Set-
ting the Zone 2 Out” on page 65 for details.
Using Only Speakers in Zone 2
With this connection method, you can use stereo sound
in the main room and play a different AV source in
Zone 2. The volume for Zone 2 is set on the AV receiver.
• Set the Powered Zone 2 setting to Activated (see
page 64).
• Connect your Zone 2 speakers to the AV receiver’s
ZONE 2 SPEAKERS terminals.
Connecting Zone 2
Main room
Zone 2
integrated amp
AV receiver
Main room
Zone 2
AV receiver