HMP Release 2.0 for Windows Software Installation Guide — December 2005 17
Installing the Software
6. The TCP/IP Filtering window appears (see Figure 1). This window tells you which ports the
system uses.
Figure 1. TCP/IP Filtering
7. If the Enable TCP/IP Filtering checkbox is not checked, there is no filtering and all ports are
valid. If the box is checked, make sure TCP ports 1719, 1720, 5060,12002, 12003, 12004,
20000, and 20001 are available.
2.1.4 Determining Which Features to Install
When you install the HMP Software, you will be asked to select features on the Select Features
screen. Before you install the software, you can read this section to familiarize yourself with the
available options. The bold items in the following list are the features you can select. Text
following each feature briefly describes it.
• Development Package (SDK) – This option installs the programmatic APIs, libraries, and
header files for HMP, including call control, fax, and media. If you plan to write and compile
applications without executing them using the runtime components, you can select this option
alone. The Development Package option does not install the drivers, firmware, parameters, and
other files needed to for HMP at runtime. If you plan to develop applications and execute them
you must also select this and the Core Runtime Package option.
• Core Runtime Package – This option installs the device drivers, firmware, parameters, and
other files needed to execute an application that uses HMP Release 2.0. Select this option if
you plan to run pre-developed and pre-compiled applications on the system. You can select
this option without selecting the Development Package (SDK) option. If you plan to write and