86 Intel
41210 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Developer’s Manual
Register Description
12.2.14 Offset 24h: PMBL—Prefetchable Memory Base and Limit
This register defines the base and limit, aligned to a 1 MB boundary, of the prefetchable memory
area of the bridge. Accesses from PCI Express* that are within the ranges specified in this register
are sent to PCI when the Memory Space Enable bit is set. Accesses from PCI that are outside the
ranges specified are forwarded to PCI Express* when the Bus Master Enable bit is set.
Note: Even though this register specifies a valid prefetchable memory window, the bridge never
prefetches through this window in the downstream direction (reads from PCI Express*-to-PCI).
Also, the bridge does not do any byte-merging in this window.
Note: Peer reads from PCI can prefetch through this window. This prefetching can be turned off with the
prefetch policy bits (PP bits 42:41, “Offset 178h: PREFCTRL—Prefetch Control Register” on
page 119).
These registers are cleared to all 0s on reset.
Note: This register must be programmed appropriately to enable or disable the space.
12.2.15 Offset 28h: PMBU32—Prefetchable Memory Base Upper
32 Bits
This register defines the upper 32 bits of the prefetchable address base register.
Table 48. Offset 24h: PMBL—Prefetchable Memory Base and Limit
Bits Type Reset Description
31:20 RW 000h
Prefetchable Memory Limit (PML): These bits are compared with bits[31:20] of the
incoming address to determine the upper 1 MB-aligned value (inclusive) of the range. The
incoming address must be less than this value.
19:16 RO 1h
64-bit Indicator (IS64L): These bits indicate that 64-bit addressing is supported for the
limit. This value must be in agreement with the IS64B field (bits[3:0], below).
15:4 RW 000h
Prefetchable Memory Base (PMB): These bits are compared with bits[31:20] of the
incoming address to determine the lower 1 MB-aligned value (inclusive) of the range. The
incoming address must be greater than or equal to this value.
3:0 RO 1h
64-bit Indicator (IS64B): These bits indicate that 64-bit addressing is supported for the
limit. This value must be in agreement with the IS64L field (bits[19:16], above).
Table 49. Offset 28h: PMBU32—Prefetchable Memory Base Upper 32 Bits
Bits Type Reset Description
31:0 RW 0000 0000h
Prefetchable Memory Base Upper Portion (PMBU): These bits indicate that full 64-bit
addressing is supported.