applications using MQ Series are running, you may need to consider adding memory to these pools to
help performance.
y Nonpersistent messages use significantly less CPU and IO resource than persistent messages do
because persistent messages use native journaling support on the iSeries to ensure that messages are
recoverable. Because of this, persistent messages should not be used where nonpersistent messages
will be sufficient.
y If persistent messages are needed, the user can manually create the journal receiver used by MQ
Series on a user ASP in order to ensure best overall performance (MQ defaults to creating the receiver
on the system ASP). In addition, the disk arms and IOPs in the user ASP should have good response
times to ensure that you achieve maximum capacities for your applications that use persistent
Other Sources of Information
In addition to the above mentioned support pacs, you can refer to the following URL for reference guides,
online manuals, articles, white papers and other sources of information on MQ Series:
IBM i 6.1 Performance Capabilities Reference - January/April/October 2008
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 Chapter 12 - MQ Series 176