IP Media Server for HMP Demo Guide — July 2005 27
Demo Details
FaxModule CFaxDevice.h Function prototype for cfaxdevice.cpp
FaxModule CFaxModule.cpp Implements the operations of the CFaxModule class
FaxModule CFaxModule.h Function prototype for cfaxmodule.cpp
FaxModule CFaxStateMachine.cpp Implements the operations of the
CFaxStateMachine class
FaxModule CFaxStateMachine.h Function prototype for cfaxstatemachine.cpp
FaxModule FaxModule.dsp Visual C++ project file
FaxModule makefile Module-level make file (Linux only)
FaxModule\Release or
FaxModule.lib Compiled Fax Module library
IPModule CIPDevice.cpp Implements the operations of the CIPDevice class
IPModule CIPDevice.h Function prototype for cipdevice.cpp
IPModule CIPMBoard.cpp Implements the operations of the CIPMBoard class
IPModule CIPMBoard.h Function prototype for cipmboard.cpp
IPModule CIPModule.cpp Implements the operations of the CIPModule class
IPModule CIPModule.h Function prototype for cipmodule.cpp
IPModule CIPStateMachine.cpp Implements the operations of the CIPStateMachine
IPModule CIPStateMachine.h Function prototype for cipstatemachine.cpp
IPModule CIPTBoard.cpp Implements the operations of the CIPTBoard class
IPModule CIPTBoard.h Function prototype for ciptboard.cpp
IPModule CMediaAlarms.cpp Implements the operations of the CMediaAlarms
IPModule CMediaAlarms.h Function prototype for cmediaalarms.cpp
IPModule IPModule.dsp Visual C++ project file
IPModule makefile Module-level make file (Linux only)
IPModule\Release or
IPModule.lib Compiled IP Module library
VoiceModule CCSPDevice.cpp Implements the operations of the CCSPDevice class
VoiceModule CCSPDevice.h Function prototype for ccdspdevice.cpp
VoiceModule CMailBoxBtil.cpp Implements the operations of the CMailBoxUtil class
VoiceModule CMailBoxUtil.h Function prototype for cmailboxutil.cpp
VoiceModule CVoiceBoard.cpp Implements the operations of the voiceBoard class
VoiceModule CVoiceBoard.h Function prototype for cvoiceboard.cpp
VoiceModule CVoiceDevice.cpp Implements the operations of the CVoiceDevice
VoiceModule CVoiceDevice.h Function prototype for cvoicedevice.cpp
Table 4. Files in Modules Folder Used by the IP Media Server Demo (Continued)
Sub-Directory File Name Purpose