IXP42X product line and IXC1100 control plane processors—Expansion Bus Controller
IXP42X Product Line of Network Processors and IXC1100 Control Plane Processor
DM September 2006
324 Order Number: 252480-006US
Once the boot sequence completes this bit is written to a ‘0,’ switching the default
system memory map to place the SDRAM controller at address 0x00000000 to
0x0FFFFFFF. The Expansion Bus Controller now resides at address 0x50000000 to
0x5FFFFFFF. Weak pull-up resistors are placed on each expansion-bus address pin.
Note that the Intel XScale processor can operate at slower speeds than the factory
programmed speed setting. This is done by placing a value on Expansion bus address
bits 23,22,21 at the de-assertion of RESET_IN_N and knowing the speed grade of the
part from the factory. Column 1 above denotes the speed grade of the part from the
factory. Column 2, 3, and 4 denotes the values captured on the Expansion Bus address
bits at the de-assertion of reset. Column 5 represents the speed at which the Intel
XScale processor speed will now be operating at. User-Configurable Field
On the IXP42X product line and IXC1100 control plane processors, the expansion bus
address lines for the user-configurable bit-field are internally pulled up. Users may then
change the values by adding weak pull-down resistors (~10KΩ). Switches can also be
used so that changeable values are available for the user configuration bits.
The user-defined bit-field can be used in many ways. For example, this field could be
used for board-revision identification; a series of board revisions may be made over the
course of development. To indicate a particular board revision, one of the 16 possible
values can be encoded using hardware configuration as stated above. Another potential
use for this field would be to predefine a set of values to indicate a particular board
configuration — for example, one with a different set of devices and memory map.
Many other creative options, not identified in this document, are possible.
8.9.10 Configuration Register 1
One additional configuration register is defined within the Expansion Bus Controller for
use by the IXP42X product line and IXC1100 control plane processors.
Table 125. Intel XScale
Processor Speed Expansion Bus Configuration Strappings
Intel XScale
Processor Speed
(Factory Part
Actual Core
Speed (MHz)
533 MHz 1 0 0 533 MHz
533 MHz 0 0 0 533 MHz
533 MHz 0 0 1 400 MHz
533 MHz 0 1 1 266 MHz
400 MHz 1 0 0 400 MHz
400 MHz 0 0 0 400 MHz
400 MHz 0 0 1 400 MHz
400 MHz 0 1 1 266 MHz
266 MHz 1 0 0 266 MHz
266 MHz 0 0 0 266 MHz
266 MHz 0 0 1 266 MHz
266 MHz 0 1 1 266 MHz