L440GX+ Server Board Product Guide 45
System Management Submenu (continued)
Feature Choices Description
EMP Hangup Line
Sets the Hangup Line Sequence for the modem being
used for EMP. Used in EMP modem mode.
Modem Init String AT&F0S0=1S14=0&D
Sets the initialization string for the modem being used for
EMP. Used in EMP modem mode.
This field is only 16 characters long. The High Modem
Init String field is a continuation of the Modem Init string
so you can enter in another 4 characters.
High Modem Init
0 This is a continuation of the Modem Init String. When 16
characters are typed into the Modem Init String field, this
field will appear to allow another 4 characters to be
typed in.
EMP Access Mode Pre-boot Only
Always Active
Pre-boot Only - EMP is only enabled during power down
through end of POST. COM2 is returned to system use
at the end of Post when operating system boots.
Always Active - EMP is always enabled. COM2 cannot
be used by operating system. It is now dedicated for
EMP use.
Disabled – EMP is disabled. COM2 is always available
for system use by console redirection or operating
EMP Restricted
Mode Access
If set to Enabled, Power on/off and Reset server controls
via EMP are no longer available.
EMP Direct
Direct Connect
Modem Mode
Sets how EMP connects to the server. Direct Connect
means a null modem serial cable directly connects
COM2 connector port to the EMP console machine.
Modem mode indicates that a modem is connected on
COM2 for EMP use.
Server Management Information Submenu
Items on this menu are set when the server board is manufactured and cannot normally be changed.
The last two items refer to the firmware level of the BMC on the server board and HSC (Hot Swap
Controller) from the Astor II server chassis. If circumstances require a change in the L440GX+
server board’s firmware, specific direction will be provided by Intel Customer Support.
Feature Choices Description
Board Part Number N/A Information field only
Board Serial Number N/A Information field only
System Part Number N/A Information field only
System Serial Number N/A Information field only
Chassis Part Number N/A Information field only
Chassis Serial Number N/A Information field only
BMC Revision N/A Information field only
Primary HSB Revision N/A Information field only