Intel NetStructure
MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
October 2006 Technical Product Specification
Order Number: 304120 39
Specifications—MPCBL0010 SBC General Notes
• Method I, Case I = Based on parts count. Equipment failure is estimated by totaling
device failures rates and quantities used.
• Quality Level II = Devices purchased to specifications, qualified devices, vendor lot-
to-lot controls for AQLs and DPMs.
• Where available, direct component supplier predictions or actual FIT rates have
been used.
• The SBC MTBF does not include addition of the AdvancedMC cards. The product
MTBF could be significantly impacted by adding AdvancedMC cards. Please contact
the AdvancedMC card manufacturer for specific component and relevant
operational MTBF information.
4.3.2 Power Requirements
The power consumed by the MPCBL0010 SBC is dependent on the configuration.
Table 7 shows typical consumption values.
Note: IPMC is powered with input voltage as low as -36 V.
4.3.3 Power Consumption
4.4 Weight
Table 9 shows packaged and unpackaged weight.
Table 7. Power Requirements
Operating Modes Voltage
Normal -43 VDC to -72 VDC
Degraded -38 VDC to < -43 VDC
Non-Operating 0 VDC to < -38VDC, -72VDC to -75VDC
Note: These voltages assume a 1 V round trip drop on power signals between
shelf power input terminals and board/module slots.
Table 8. Total Measured Power
Memory Power
4 Gbytes (two 2 Gbyte DIMMs) Max power = < 160 watts
Table 9. Weight
Configuration Weight Comments
7 lb 6 0z
3.35 kg
Includes MPCBL0010 SBC, AMC filler panels,
and packaging material. Does not include
5 lb 6 oz
2.44 kg
Includes MPCBL0010 SBC and AMC filler
panels. Does not include DIMMs.