IntelĀ® Solid-State Drive DC P3700 Series
May 2015 Product Specification
330566-009US 25
Data Units Read (in LBAs)
Contains the number of 512 byte data units
the host has read from the controller; this
value does not include metadata. This value
is reported in thousands (i.e., a value of 1
corresponds to 1000 units of 512 bytes
read) and is rounded up. When the LBA size
is a value other than 512 bytes, the
controller shall convert the amount of data
read to 512 byte units.
Data Units Write (in LBAs)
Contains the number of 512 byte data units
the host has written to the controller; this
value does not include metadata. This value
is reported in thousands (i.e., a value of 1
corresponds to 1000 units of 512 bytes
written) and is rounded up. When the LBA
size is a value other than 512 bytes, the
controller shall convert the amount of data
written to 512 byte units. For the NVM*
command set, logical blocks written as part
of Write operations shall be included in this
value. Write Uncorrectable commands shall
not impact this value.
Contains the number of read commands
issued to the controller.
Contains the number of write commands
issued to the controller.
Controller Busy Time (in minutes)
Contains the amount of time the controller is
busy with I/O commands. The controller is
busy when there is a command outstanding
to an I/O Queue (specifically, a command
was issued by way of an I/O Submission
Queue Tail doorbell write and the
corresponding completion queue entry has
not been posted yet to the associated I/O
Completion Queue). This value is reported in
Contains the number of power cycles.
Contains the number of power-on hours.
This does not include time that the
controller was powered and in a low power
state condition.
Contains the number of unsafe shutdowns.
This count is incremented when a shutdown
notification (CC.SHN) is not received prior to
loss of power.
Contains the number of occurrences where
the controller detected an unrecovered data
integrity error. Errors such as uncorrectable
ECC, CRC checksum failure, or LBA tag
mismatch are included in this field.
Number of Error Information Log Entries
Contains the number of Error Information
log entries over the life of the controller.