15-2 Intel® PXA26x Processor Family Developer’s Manual
MultiMediaCard Controller
The MMC bus connects the card stack to the controller. The software and controller can turn the
MMC clock on and off. The card stack and the controller communicate serially through the
command and data lines and implement a message-based protocol. The messages consist of the
following tokens:
• Command: a 6-byte command token starts an operation. The command set includes card
initialization, card register reads and writes, data transfers, etc. The MMC controller sends the
command token serially on the MMCMD signal. The format for a command token is shown in
Table 15-1.
• Response: a response token is an answer to a command token. Each command has either a
specific response type or no response type. The format for a response token varies according to
the response expected and the card’s mode. Response token formats are detailed the
MultiMediaCard System Specification, Version 2.1.
• Data: data is transferred serially between the controller and the card in 8-bit blocks at rates up
to 20 Mbps. The format for the data token depends on the card’s mode. Table 15-2 shows the
data token format for MMC mode and Table 15-3 shows the data token format for SPI mode.
In MMC mode, all operations contain command tokens and most commands have an associated
response token. Read and write commands also have a data token. Command and response tokens
are sent and received on the bidirectional MMCMD signal and data tokens are sent and received on
the bidirectional MMDAT signal. A typical MMC mode command timing diagram with and
without a response is shown in Figure 15-2 while Figure 15-3 shows a typical MMC mode timing
diagram for a sequential read or write
Table 15-1. Command Token Format
Bit Position 47 46 [45:40] [39:8] [7:1] 0
Width (bits) 11 6 32 71
Value 01 x x x1
Description start bit transmission bit command index argument CRC7 end bit
Table 15-2. MMC Data Token Format
Stream Data 1 x no CRC 1
Block Data 0xx 1
Description start bit data CRC7 end bit
Table 15-3. SPI Data Token Format
Value 11111110 x x
Description start byte data CRC16