How to Build a Cluster - Intel® Server Board S5000PAL
Note: Make sure that the BIOS and Firmware provisioning PXE server is shutdown prior to
rebooting the nodes or they will go into a reboot loop and provision the BIOS and Firmware again.
At this point the cluster is ready for Operating System (OS ) provisioning. Ensure that the provisioning
solution begins here so that the next time the cluster nodes are rebooted they will boot from the OS
provisioning server.
OS Provisioning and Cluster Management
The cluster OS provisioning method deployed is up to the user(s). The ESAA solutions below offer
several options on OS provisioning with various high speed interconnects.
Platform OCS 4.1.1-1.1/4.1.1-2.1
The Platform Computing OS provisioning solution offers an end to end solution for deploying clusters
from a Front End including options for either Intel or SilverStorm high speed interconnect support.
The Platform Computing OCS 4.1.1-1.1/4.1.1-2.1 (“High-Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster
Installation using Platform Open Cluster Stack (OCS)* 4.1 on Red Hat* Enterprise Linux* 4.3 - Intel®
Server Board S5000PAL” or “Platform Open Cluster Stack (OCS)* 4.1.1- 2.1 on Red Hat Enterprise
Linux* 4.4 - Intel® Server Board S5000PAL”) recipes for this platform can be found on the ESAA
Once you have a Linux OS installed, and the IB interconnect has been installed with the SilverStorm
RPM, the separate SilverStorm recipe for (High-Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster Installations
using SilverStorm* InfiniBand* Interconnect on Linux* - Intel® Server Board S5000PAL) can be used as
reference for additional installation and configuration. (http://www.esaa-members.com)
GlusterHPC automates installation of High Performance Computational Clusters / Supercomputers on
commodity Intel platform. It is extensible, portable across various GNU/Linux distributions, scalable to
several thousand nodes and has clean easy to use dialog interface. GlusterHPC provides HPC tools
and libraries in addition to OS packages and pre-configures them at the time of provisioning. It
essentially converts a stand-alone GNU/Linux distribution into a Cluster distribution.