Errata Listing IntelĀ® Server Board SDS2
Revision 1.2
Order Number: A85874-002
Alternatively, the updated drivers may installed using the following procedure to
install NW6. .
a) Boot to DOS and fdisk/format the C: partition.
b) Boot to C: drive and load loddvc.com and cdex from there:
"loddvc aoatapi.sys /D:cdr0m001
cdex.exe /D:cdr0m001 /L:z"
(aotapi.sys is whatever driver is appropriate for the cd -- /L:z requires
lastdrive=z in config.sys)
c) Copy server.exe from SP1 to the nwupdate directory.
d) Run "Install.bat" from the Z: drive
Status: Fixed.
33. 3COM* 3C980C-TX NIC causes Microsoft* Windows* 2000 blue
screen when greater than 4GB of system memory is installed
Problem: Intel has induced blue screens under Microsoft* Windows* 2000 in SDS2
sytems configured with a 3COM* 3C980C-TX NIC with driver el98xn5.sys
v3.48.0.0, and greater than 4GB of system memory installed, under extreme
workloads during network validation testing. This issue is not seen when up to
4GB of system memory is installed in the SDS2 system.
Implication: Blue screens may be encountered under Microsoft* Windows* 2000 when
using a 3COM* 3C980C-TX NIC in an SDS2 system with greater than 4GB of
system memory installed.
Workaround: This issue results because the 3COM 3C980C-TX NIC does not physically
support dual address cycles (DAC), therefore, the NIC is not able to access
physical addresses above 4GB. Due to negative performance impact, Intel
does not recommend using a NIC adapter that does not support DAC or 64-bit
PCI on a system with greater than 4GB of system memory installed. Intel
recommends installing a maximum of 4GB of system memory in the SDS2
system when utilizing the 3COM* 3C980C-TX NIC.
This issue does not occur when 3COM driver el98xn5.sys v4.0.0.15, which is
available on the Microsoft* Windows.NET* CDROM, is used, instead of 3COM
driver el98xn5.sys v3.48.0.0. This is another possible workaround for this
Status: Fixed.