SE7221BK1-E Technical Product Specification
unique PCI device ID value for use in configuration cycles. The following table shows the bit to
which each IDSEL signal is attached for P32-A devices and the corresponding device
Table 6. P32-A Configuration IDs
IDSEL Value Device
Intel® 82541PI LAN (NIC1)
18 PCI Slot 1 (32b/33MHz) P32-A Arbitration
P32-A supports two PCI devices: the ICH6R and one PCI bus masters (NIC). All PCI masters
must arbitrate for PCI access, using resources supplied by the ICH6R. The host bridge PCI
interface (ICH6R) arbitration lines REQx* and GNTx* are a special case in that they are internal
to the host bridge. The following table defines the arbitration connections.
Table 7. P32-A Arbitration Connections
Baseboard Signals Device
PCI REQ1_N/GNT_N1 Intel® 82541PI LAN (NIC1)
PCI REQ0_N/GNT_N0 PCI Slot 1 (32bit/33MHz)
5.1.2 P32-B 66-MHz PCI-X Subsystem (SE7221BK1LX sku only)
One 32-bit PCI bus segment is directed through the PXH interface A. This PCI segment, P32-B,
just has an embedded device, Intel® 82541PI LAN (NIC2) clocked at 66MHz. (SE7221BK1LX
sku only) Device IDs (IDSEL)
Each device under the PCI hub bridge has its IDSEL signal connected to one bit of AD [31:16],
which acts as a chip select on the PCI bus segment in configuration cycles. This determines a
unique PCI device ID value for use in configuration cycles. The following table shows the bit to
which each IDSEL signal is attached for P32-B devices and corresponding device description.
Table 8. P32-B Configuration IDs
IDSEL Value Device
Intel® 82541PI LAN (NIC2) P32-B Arbitration
P32-B supports one PCI masters. All PCI masters must arbitrate for PCI access using
resources supplied by the PXH. The host bridge PCI interface (PXH) arbitration lines REQx*